Reiki Healing.

Reiki energy healing is a technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. As a reiki practitioner, we use our hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing.

Sometimes the experience of Reiki is dramatic, while for other people, the first session in particular may be uneventful, although they feel somehow better afterward. The most common experience is an almost immediate release of stress and a feeling of deep relaxation.

In my sessions I love to work with crystals and they will be placed on your body and around the table and I also use sound, as the vibration of sound also has incredible healing properties.

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning “Universal Life Force”

Reiki has incredible benefits and aids in healing by helping people become energetically balanced — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually

During a session, you will lie on a massage table fully clothed, as I gently place my hands, palms down, on you, I will place some crystals on your chakra energy centers and around the table and you get to completely relax into a blissful state of calmness.

I like to finish the sessions off with some sound healing and some oracle cards for clarity and direction.

90 mins

In Person


Healing begins with you


Akashic Soul Sessions.

Akashic Records are the library to your soul. They hold information about every soul and its journey. This infinite source of wisdom and healing energy is now available to anyone to answer any question big or small. An Akashic Reading is not just for personal soul direction but can be used for Business, your souls purpose, relationships or just guidance.

If you are here and feeling intrigued, your soul is already guiding you to your records.

Akashic Records are a compilation of all human events, choices, emotions, actions and words that have occurred across all lifetime’s past, present and future.

The Akashic Records are a spiritual resource for personal empowerment and understanding that will give you a deeper knowledge of who you are and what your soul’s journey is in this incarnation.

Every reading looks different and will depend what your guides feel is in your best interest but you are always encouraged to have some questions ready. Sometimes the guides are ready to speak right away, however, Other times they will ask you for input. The guides will sometimes perform healing or prompt me to do energy clearing myself.

I always trust what comes through in your records is for your highest good and what your soul is needing at that time.

90 mins

Online or In Person
